Published Articles

Published Article -  Planting the Seed in Wesley Chapel

Holy Focus

April 6, 2020

My professional training in the fields of public relations and marketing have given me a “natural” way of functioning using the framework of strategic planning. The basic structure of a strategic plan is four-fold: Objectives, strategies, tactics and the timeline.

Published Article -  Planting the Seed in Wesley Chapel

Planting the Seed in Wesley Chapel

March 21, 2018

When The Laker published a front-page article in November with the title, “Episcopal Church Branching into Wesley Chapel,” the Rev. Adrienne Hymes, Diocesan Missioner for Church Extension, recalled that her email inbox reflected Episcopalians’ hunger to have their church where they lived.

Published Article - The Call: Parish or Perish

The Call: Parish or Perish

December 27, 2016

Adopting a seemingly new but historic view of the traditional parish will help us reach untapped opportunities just outside our doors, writes Adrienne R. Hymes, our new Diocesan Missioner for Church Extension.

Published Article - The Church in the Marketplace

The Church in the Marketplace

May 23, 2015

While hospitals, schools, prisons and the military are traditionally associated with having staff chaplain, Adrienne R. Hymes believes there is opportunity in the marketplace.